Thursday, June 5, 2008

how to take care of anteater pets

"You should take your anteater for a walk once a day. You must put them on a leash even though they are tame, they might get interested under cars and then you might not be able to get them out again or they might climb trees without permishion. Put trainer on them . Not whenever you take them out. It seems to be comfortable for them. Again if it is cold put a t-shirt on them just in case. ; ) Take them to meadows bird sancutaries, parks but becareful people might panic. It's alot quieter and calmer when you take them to a quiet place. You'll enjoy it more and so will your pet. There will be tons of people looking at you or talking to you, bothering you.

Food, food, food that's the tricky part with pets. Well I go out in the yard and look for ants (sometimes) or you can let them find ants themselves. It's better to let them do it, that way they don't get too lazy. I make soup for them (special soup: fruits , vegtables , ants , cheese. ) Usually I make some soup for them . They just adore advocadoes and blue cheese."

full article

1 comment:

jonyangorg said...

I really hope that T-shirt is photoshopped on.

"It's alot quieter and calmer when you take them to a quiet place."

I'm looking up pet skunks right now.