Thursday, April 17, 2008

white snakes

Mary Ting's exhibit at Metaphor Contemporary Art

I really like this image, and it scares me. I would like to learn from her. She is teaching a course called "Collections, Obsessions, and the Display of the Other" this summer at the TransArt Institute in Linz, Austria. I might take it, if we decide Europe. India or Europe? and Europe being a continent... we're having a hard time narrowing down. I think Hong Kong is almost definitely out though, the cost of living is obscene.


eileen said...

i have been overusing the word compelling lately. but this is a very compelling image.

La Kaje said...

whoa. this reminds me too of a performace video, Patty Changs EELS. Have you seen that? this one is...stiller, paler, more classically artistic. But it evokes similar emotions...